If you are receiving the error code (B31) Transfer aborted - unable to process data upload, this typically indicates that the diabetes device you are attempting to upload is not currently compatible with the Glooko Transmitter.
To confirm, please reference our list of Transmitter-compatibility devices in our article What devices are compatible with the Glooko® Transmitter?
If the device is not currently compatible with the Transmitter, it might still be possible for the data to be uploaded via the Glooko Uploader or the Glooko Mobile App. To determine if the device may be uploaded via another upload method, please see our article Compatibility Reference - All Uploading Methods.
If you have validated the diabetes device is compatible with the Glooko Transmitter but are still receiving the B31 error, please reach out to Customer Support by emailing support@glooko.com with the following information:
- The diabetes device and serial number
- Patient name
- Transmitter serial number where the upload took place
This will allow us to investigate the issue further and provide the best next steps.