In the event that you should ever encounter duplicate or additional carb entries following an upload of your Omnipod® PDM, it is possible that your carb entries are being inputted through multiple sources.
For example: If you are using a CGM in addition to your Omnipod PDM and have it connected to Glooko® , any carb information entered via your Dexcom Receiver or Dexcom Clarity account will be pulled into your Glooko® account and appear as an additional meal/carb entry. Likewise, if you are logging your meal/carb entry via the manual food entry within the Glooko® mobile App those would appear as duplicate carb entries as well following your Omnipod PDM upload.
To avoid instances of duplicated meal/carb data: please limit your meal/carb entries to a single source, ideally your Omnipod PDM. When entered as part of a bolus calculation, carb entries in your Omnipod PDM will appear in, both, the Glooko® mobile and web apps.
To learn more, see Which items from my Omnipod® System transfer over to Glooko®?