We're sorry that you are having trouble and need to send a diagnostic report! However, the diagnostic file will help us to gather additional information about any issues you may be experiencing using your Glooko mobile app.
Before sending diagnostics to Glooko, please repeat the action that caused you to encounter your error.
For example, if you're experiencing trouble syncing your blood glucose meter to your account, you should go through all the steps for syncing your meter. This includes plugging in the cable, plugging in the meter, turning the cable or meter ON/OFF, and pressing the Sync button.
Once you believe that you've successfully reproduced and captured the error in question, proceed to the next step.
Send Diagnostics to Glooko
- Tap the Silhouette (Menu) icon in the top right.
- Tap Help.
- Tap Send Diagnostics to Glooko.
- An onscreen informational window regarding privacy and consent will appear. Read the message carefully, then tap Continue in order to proceed in sending diagnostics.
- An email will automatically be generated. The support@glooko.com address will be pre-filled. Please provide details on the problem you are experiencing in the body of the email.
- Once you have finished completing the written explanation, tap Send.
NOTE: The Glooko app will generate an email draft by using the email app installed on your device. Make sure that you (1) have already set up an email account in the email app and (2) are connected to the internet (WiFi or cellular data network).
Done! Now, what happens?
After sending the email, our Customer Support team will review your problem and send the diagnostics report to our development team for review. We thank you for your patience in allowing us to solve the problem and will contact you with a solution as soon as possible.