For Professional users who see patients at multiple Glooko clinics, you may now use a single email address to access all of your clinic sites!
Please note: To have your Professional login email address associated with more than one Glooko ProConnect code, the Professional-Admin user on the clinic must provide written consent to your Glooko Account Manager or to the Glooko Customer Support team.
- Switching between Glooko Clinics
- Glooko Uploader for Multi-Clinic Professionals
- Glooko Transmitter for Multi-Clinic Professionals
Switching Between Glooko Clinics
For users connected to multiple clinics, you may easily switch between your associated clinics by following the steps below:
- Login at
- You will be logged into your most recent clinic. Your current Clinic Name and ProConnect code will display in the top right
- Click on the ProConnect code to display a drop-down of your associated clinics.
- Select a Clinic from this list to change to the desired account
- The Glooko account will refresh and you will now be logged into the selected Clinic
- If Two-Factor Authentication is enabled for the clinic you are switching to, you will be redirected to the Glooko login screen to generate and enter your one-time passcode.
If you are a Professional on multiple clinic accounts, it is strongly encouraged to always confirm which account you are currently logged into before assigning device data or creating a new patient account. Patient records will not be shared across your clinic accounts.
Glooko Uploader for Multi-Clinic Professionals
If any of your clinics utilize the Glooko Uploader to sync your patient's data, please take extra caution to ensure the device is synced to the correct account!
To ensure you sync to the correct clinic:
- Ensure the Glooko Uploader program is not currently running, exiting the program if necessary
- Login to your clinic account at
- If necessary, switch to the correct clinic account by selecting the ProConnect drop-down
- Open the Glooko Uploader
This must be done each time you need to access the Glooko Uploader when switching between clinics.
You will be able to see which clinic your Glooko Uploader is currently uploading to directly on the Glooko Uploader, below your username. In the example below, the user named Prof 2 is currently logged into the clinic 2fa_01:
If your clinic ProConnect on the Glooko Uploader is displaying the wrong clinic, logout of the Glooko Uploader program, login to the appropriate clinic on the web app, and relaunch the Glooko Uploader.
Devices synced via the Glooko Uploader must still be assigned to a patient record from the Assign Devices tab in your clinic. If you inadvertently upload a device to the wrong clinic, you should not assign the device in the incorrect clinic. After approximately 72 hours, if the device remains unassigned, it will disappear from your Assign Devices tab.
Glooko Transmitter for Multi-Clinic Professionals
Glooko Transmitters are assigned directly to clinics and are not associated with clinic logins. If you primarily use a Glooko Transmitter to sync devices in your clinic, the device uploads will always display in the clinic the transmitter is assigned to, regardless of which clinic you are currently logged into.
If you are a multi-clinic Professional user who has uploaded a device via Transmitter and you do not see your device upload on the Assign Devices tab, please double check which clinic account you are currently logged into by checking the ProConnect and Clinic Name along the header.
Still have questions? Contact our Support Team!