If you would like to download a copy of your diabetes data stored in Glooko, you may do so utilizing the Export to CSV feature accessible on the Glooko Web App!
Note: Currently, this feature is not accessible via the Glooko Mobile App.
Exporting your data to CSV will download a .zip folder with files containing the following data:
- Alarms
- Blood Glucose Readings (BG and CGM)
- Carbs (CGM)
- Basal rates will display the units/hour
- Bolus will indicate the total amount of insulin delivered, bolus type, and carbs input
Manually entered data (exercise, food, manual insulin, medication, and notes)
- Exercise will include the exercise intensity (high, medium, low)
In order to export your data to CSV:
Login to your Glooko account at my.glooko.com
- For Healthcare Providers, after logging into your Glooko account, open the Patient profile whose data you'd like to export
- From the header, select Export to CSV
A pop up screen with a date selector will appear
- The date range will be set to 2 weeks by default. This will default to the last 2 weeks containing data.
- The date ranges available are 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, 30 days, 90 days or Custom Range
NOTE: If selecting a custom range, it must be limited to a 90-day period.
- Click Export and your data folder will be downloaded in-browser. Depending on the time range selected and the amount of data within your account, it may take 1-2 minutes for your file to compile.
- The export title will be export_Firstname Lastname. For example, for patient Jane Doe, the file title is export_Jane Doe. In the example below, the patient's name is Simran Sam.
- Each CSV file contains a header row indicating the user's Name and the Date Range selected (in UTC), as well as columns related to the value, timestamp, and serial number of the associated device for each data point.
NOTE: All files will be generated, even if no data exists for that data source. For example, if Jane Doe is only using a blood glucose meter, she will still receive a CGM data file, though no data will be contained within the CSV.
- Example Data File:
- Example Data File:
Best practices before exporting:
- Ensure that your devices have recently synced with Glooko in order for the most recent data to be exported
- Ensure you have a program on your computer capable of opening .csv files, such as Microsoft Excel. For assistance on opening the .csv file in Excel, please see Microsoft Support.
- If the file does not immediately download in browser, ensure you have no browser settings or antivirus software installed which prevent downloading files from web pages (referring to manufacturer support site for additional guidance)
Should you run into any issues generating the CSV export or have any questions related to the feature, please reach out to Customer Support at support@glooko.com