For clinics with specialized populations which require different standard Target Blood Glucose (BG) Ranges, it is now possible for Professional-Admins to define custom target ranges for all patients within their clinic! Previously, Professionals could only adjust target ranges per patient.
Changing the Target BG Ranges will determine whether a reading is considered Very Low, Low, In Range, High, or Very High on the Time in Range chart, as well as determining how the reading will be color-coded on reports.
The current Glooko system defaults for Target BG Ranges are:
- Lower Limit: 70 mg/dL or 3.9 mmol/L
- Before Meal Upper Limit: 130 mg/dL or 7.2 mmol/L
- After Meal Upper Limit: 180 mg/dL or 10 mmol/L
It is still possible to set patient-specific thresholds per patient by navigating to the user's profile an adjusting their personal target ranges. The thresholds set at the patient-level will not be impacted by the clinic target range, unless the Professional-Admin chooses to apply the change to all existing patients.
- Customizing the Default Target BG Range
- Applying the Custom Default Target BG Ranges to Existing Patients
- Restoring the Glooko Default Target BG Ranges
- Setting Target BG Ranges per Patient
Customizing the Default Target BG Range
NOTE: Only Professional-Admins can adjust the default target BG range for your clinic. If you do not have a Professional-Admin on your account, please contact your Account Executive, or contact Glooko Customer Support!
To customize the default target range for your clinic:
- Login to your clinic account at
- Select the circle with the account initials in the top right
- Select Settings
- Scroll to Data Settings
- In the section [Clinic Name] Default Target BG Range, enter your new thresholds for Lower Limit, Before Meal Upper Limit, and/or After Meal Upper Limit.
- Select Save at the bottom of the Data Settings section
- A popup will display confirming the new target range. Selecting the checkbox automatically generates an email notifying all Professional users about the update.
- Select Save on the popup to confirm the new settings
- A popup will display confirming the new target range. Selecting the checkbox automatically generates an email notifying all Professional users about the update.
Once you update the default target BG range, all newly created patient accounts will have these thresholds automatically applied.
Both the timestamp of the change and the name of the Professional-Admin who made the change display below the target thresholds whenever the settings are updated.
Applying the Custom Default Target BG Range to Existing Patients
If you would like to immediately apply the new target BG ranges for all of your existing patients in your population, you may do so by selecting Reset All Target BG Ranges in the Data Settings section.
NOTE: If you choose to apply the new thresholds to all existing patients, any thresholds set at the patient-level will be overwritten with the new thresholds each time you select this option.
Restoring the Glooko System Default Target BG Ranges
The Professional-Admin may choose to revert your clinic thresholds to the Glooko system default settings at any time by following the steps below:
- Select the circle with the account initials in the top right
- Select Settings
- Scroll to Data Settings
- In the section [Clinic Name] Default Target BG Range, select Restore Glooko Default
- Select Save at the bottom of the Data Settings section
- You will be prompted again to confirm the change and to choose whether to notify all Professional users via email
Setting Target BG Ranges per Patient
Should you need to edit the Target BG Ranges for a specific patient, you may do so from the patient's profile. The ranges set at the patient-level will not be overwritten by the clinic settings, unless the Professional-Admin user selects Reset All Target BG Ranges from Data Settings.
To set a patient's target BG ranges:
- Search for the patient in the search bar or select their record from the Patient List
- Select Profile
- Scroll to the Data Settings section
- In the Target BG Ranges section, enter your new thresholds for Lower Limit, Before Meal Upper Limit, and/or After Meal Upper Limit
- Select Save at the bottom of the Data Settings section
Still have questions? Contact our Support Team!