Duplicate patient accounts can occur for multiple reasons, including:
- A healthcare provider creates a clinic-only account for a patient. The patient then self-registers and ProConnects to your clinic.
- A patient forgets about or loses access to an existing Glooko account. The patient registers for a second Glooko account and ProConnects to your clinic.
Multiple accounts for the same patient can lead to confusion regarding where diabetes data should be assigned or viewed. The Duplicate Account filter provides an at-a-glance view of likely duplicate patient accounts and allows for you to remove duplicates directly from your Patient List.
NOTE: Only Professional-Admins may use the Duplicate Accounts filter to remove patient accounts.
In this article, you will learn:
- How to apply the duplicate accounts filter
- How to remove duplicate accounts from the Patient List
- Best practices for removing duplicate accounts
Applying the Duplicate Accounts Filter
To add the Duplicate Accounts filter to your Patient List:
- Login to your Glooko clinic account at my.glooko.com
- Select the View Patients tab
- Select the Duplicate Accounts button at the top of your Patient List
- The Patient List now displays only likely duplicate patient accounts
- To return to viewing your entire patient population, click the X next to Duplicate Accounts at the top of your Patient List
Removing Duplicate Accounts from the Patient List
After identifying your likely duplicate patient accounts, you may choose which accounts to keep or remove directly from the Patient List.
NOTE: Removing a duplicate account is not reversible. Before removing an account, confirm it is no longer needed for your clinic.
To action your duplicate accounts:
- After applying the duplicate patients filter, select Fix next to an identified duplicate account
- A popup displays providing an overview of each account identified as a duplicate. The overview displays and shows a quick link to edit the following:
- The patient demographics (Name, Date of Birth, Email)
- The patient's account status
- The account's devices and last sync date
- To the right of each account, choose whether to Keep or Remove the identified account and select Review Changes.
- A confirmation screen appears, displaying which account(s) will be kept or removed, as well as any other edits made to the patient profiles.
- If the changes are accurate, place a checkmark next to I agree that these actions to patient accounts cannot be undone and select Save.
- After selecting Save, your patient accounts are updated, and any removed accounts will no longer appear in your patient population.
- If the account you chose to Remove has an Active status, the system will remove your clinic's ProConnect code from their account. The patient is still able to access their account, but their data will no longer be accessible from your clinic account.
- If the account you chose to Remove has an Invited or Not Activated status, the account will be deleted. Any data assigned to the account will be deleted and cannot be restored.
Best Practices for Handling Duplicate Patient Accounts
These are general considerations for choosing which duplicate account to keep. Your organization may have more specific guidelines for handling duplicate accounts.
If you are ever unsure whether you should remove an account, we strongly recommend you keep the account and discuss next steps with your organization. Removing a patient account is not reversible.
When identifying which accounts to keep, we recommend considering the following:
- Whether the patient account is in the Active
- Accounts with an Active status indicate the patient may access the account and remotely sync their data
- If the patient has multiple Active accounts, discuss with the patient to determine which account they are using
- The patient account with the most recent Last Sync Date
- If multiple accounts have the same last sync date, select the account with the most complete data
- If you wish to retain access to the data from a duplicate account, but do not want to see the account in your Patient List, consider archiving the patient record instead