Whether you are new to Glooko or are attempting to add a new diabetes device to your existing Glooko account, we have you covered!
You may add a new device to your Glooko account at any time by uploading the device, but you may not know what upload methods are available for your specific diabetes device. Glooko users can now access directed guidance for uploading your diabetes device directly from the web.
Adding your First Device
To learn how to sync and add your device to Glooko from the web:
- Login to your Glooko account at my.glooko.com
- From the Summary page, select Get Started
- You will be immediately routed to the Devices tab
- Select your Device Category from the popup (Blood Glucose devices, Insulin Devices, and Health and Fitness apps):
- Once you've selected your appropriate device category, select your diabetes device from the list:
- After selecting your device, you will see a list of Upload methods available for your device:
- If your device is compatible with the Glooko Uploader, you may select Download Uploader to install the uploading software on your current computer. Selecting Find out more on any additional upload methods available for your device will provide additional instruction on how to sync your diabetes device via that method.
- After determining your device's compatibility, simply follow the instructions to upload, and your device and data will now be visible in your Glooko account!
Adding Additional Devices
If you have replaced your diabetes device or are adding additional supplemental devices to your Glooko account, you can find instructions for uploading the device by following the steps below:
- Login to your Glooko account at my.glooko.com
- From the toolbar, select Devices
Note: You may also select the +Add Device quick link from the Summary page to be immediately routed to the device category selection. - Select Add Device
- Select your Device Category from the popup (Blood Glucose devices, Insulin Devices, and Health and Fitness apps):
- Once you've selected your appropriate device category, select your diabetes device from the list:
- After selecting your device, you will see a list of Upload methods available for your device:
- If your device is compatible with the Glooko Uploader, you may select Download Uploader to install the uploading software on your current computer. Selecting Find out more on any additional upload methods available for your device will provide additional instruction on how to sync your diabetes device via that method.
- After determining your device's compatibility, simply follow the instructions to upload, and your device and data will now be visible in your Glooko account!