If you receive the error (B0) Unable to reach Glooko (0) or (B1) Unable to process data upload when uploading via the Glooko Uploader, this typically indicates that an external software or network restriction is preventing the Glooko Uploader from successfully transmitting the data from your device.
The most common reasons you will receive this error code are:
- The computer is using a VPN, antivirus, or firewall software
- Typically, work computers will have additional security features which prevent the Uploader from successfully transferring
- Other uploader software is installed on the computer and is interfering with the Glooko Uploader
- Common secondary uploader softwares include Dexcom Clarity, OneTouch Reveal, Tandem t:connect, etc.
- The computer is currently connecting to the internet via a public wifi
If you are receiving the B0 or B1 error, please try the following and attempt to upload again:
- Ensure you are using a personal, home computer
- If you have any VPNs, antivirus, or firewall software, ensure they are disabled or ensure the Glooko Uploader is not being blocked by the software
- Please refer to the VPN, antivirus, or firewall software's user guide or support site to determine how to add approved programs
- If you have any other uploader software installed, please ensure the program(s) are not running. It may be necessary to temporarily uninstall the secondary software to ensure it does not interfere with the Glooko Uploader.
- If you are attempting to upload via a public network, try again once connected to a secure home network or try via a mobile hotspot.
If you are still encountering the B0 or B1 error after confirming the above, please reach out to Customer Support at help@glooko.com