Good news! You can now connect your Senseonics Eversense account to Glooko to sync data from Eversense once every four (4) hours.
NOTE: After connecting your Eversense account, your Eversense data will be available in your Glooko web and mobile apps.
In this article, you can learn how to:
Connect your Eversense account via the Glooko web app
To connect an Eversense account via the Glooko web app:
- Go to in your web browser, and log into your Glooko account.
Select Devices
- Select Add Device
Select Blood Glucose Devices
- Select CGM
- Select Senseonics Eversense Account
- Enter your Eversense Email and Password, then click Connect.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to connect your account. A confirmation page will display indicating that your Eversense account is now connected.
Connect your Eversense account via the Glooko mobile app
To connect an Eversense account via the Glooko mobile app:
- Open the Glooko app on your mobile device.
- Tap Devices on the home screen
- Tap Add New Device.
- Tap to place a checkmark beside Continuous Glucose Monitor, then tap Continue.
- Tap to place a checkmark beside Eversense Account, then tap Continue.
- Enter your Eversense Email and Password, then tap Sign In.
- If you do not have an account, tap Sign Up to create a new account.
- If you do not have an account, tap Sign Up to create a new account.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to create and/or connect your account.