Your Glooko profile is where you can view and update your basic account information, device settings and data settings. You can conveniently access and make changes to your profile from the Glooko mobile or web app.
Let's learn how to:
Manage your Profile via the Glooko mobile app
To access your Profile via the Glooko mobile app:
- Select the Silhouette (menu) icon in the top right
- Tap Profile.
View and update your Profile
In Profile, you can view and/or update the following information:
- Name (view only)
- Email (view only)
- Type of Diabetes
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Height
- Weight
- Country (view only)
- ProConnect: Add and manage ProConnect Codes associated with your account. To learn more, see How do I ProConnect with my healthcare provider?
View and update your Device Settings
To access your Devices via the Glooko mobile app:
- Select the Silhouette (menu) icon in the top right
- Tap Devices.
In Devices, you can view and/or update the following information:
- Meter Time Settings: View your meter time settings.
NOTE: This information will only display after you have synced a compatible meter.
Depending on the devices connected to your account, you may also see additional device-specific settings here.
View and update your Data Settings
To access your Settings via the Glooko mobile app:
- Select the Silhouette (menu) icon in the top right
- Tap Settings.
In Settings, you can view and/or update the following information:
- Glucose Data Source: Set your glucose data source to BG or CGM based upon the type of glucose data you would like to view in your account.
- Meter Units: Set this to mg/dL or mmol/L.
NOTE: This is automatically set based upon whether you are using a mg/dL or mmol/L-based BG meter. - Set Daily Time Ranges: Set the times of day that indicate the start of your Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night routines. To update these ranges, tap the value you would like to update and use the time selector to select a new start time.
- Set Target BG Range: Set your Target BG ranges, including the Lower Limit, (before meal) Upper Limit and (after meal) Upper Limit. To update these ranges, tap the value you would like to update, enter a new value and tap the checkmark (
) to save your changes.
- Activation Code: Enter the Activation Code you received from your healthcare provider.
- Push Notifications: Toggle this on or off to enable or disable push notifications from your Glooko mobile app.
Manage your Profile via the Glooko web app
To access your Profile via the Glooko web app:
- Click the drop-down menu at the top-right of your Glooko web app.
- Select Settings.
NOTE: You can also access your Profile by clicking the Profile link beside your name on the Summary screen.
View and update your Profile
In Settings > My Profile, you can view and/or update the following information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Type of Diabetes
- Gender
- Height (and unit of measure)
- Weight (and unit of measure)
Click Save to register any changes.
View and update your Account
In Settings > Account, you can view and/or update the following information:
- Email Address
- Password
- Language
- ProConnect Code: Add and manage ProConnect Codes associated with your account, and set your Primary Provider. To learn more, see How do I ProConnect with my healthcare provider?
- Data Authorization: Toggle Omnipod® and Dexcom data sharing to Agree or Disagree.
View and update your Data Settings
In Settings > Data Settings, you can view and/or update the following information:
- Meter Units: Toggle this to mg/dL or mmol/L. This is automatically set based upon whether you are using a a mg/dL or mmol/L-based BG meter.
- Pump BG Entry Settings: Toggle this to Yes or No to include or exclude BG readings manually entered in insulin pumps in your graphs and statistics.
NOTE: By default, these readings are included. If you are ProConnected, your Primary Provider can also adjust your Pump BG Entry Settings. - Target BG Ranges: Set your Target BG ranges, including the Lower Limit, Before Meal Upper Limit and After Meal Upper Limit. To update these ranges, click into the field of the value you would like to modify and enter a new value.
- Daily Time Ranges: Set the times of day that indicate the start of your Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night routines. To update these ranges, click the down arrow beside any of the times of day and select a new start time.
Click Save to register any changes.
Access your Apps & Devices
In Settings > Apps & Devices, the following options may display (based upon which apps you've connected):
- Connect Apps & Devices: Sync your third-party apps with Glooko to pull in fitness, weight and blood pressure data.
- Upload Omnipod® PDM: Upload data from an Omnipod® system.
- Get Glooko Uploader: Install the Glooko Uploader to sync data from compatible BG meters, insulin pumps and CGMs to your Glooko account from your computer.
- Connect Device Integrations: If your diabetes device supports wireless syncing (e.g. Dexcom, Eversense, etc.), you may find the respective device connections here.