Nedenfor ses alle aktuelt kompatible enheder efter uploadmetode: Transmitter (på klinik), Uploader (klinik/hjem) og mobilapp.
- Transmitter-kompatibilitet
- Uploader-kompatibilitet (PC/Mac)
- Mobilapp-kompatibilitet
- Integration af konto (trådløs synkronisering)
Følgende enheder kan uploades via Glooko Transmitter. Se Hvilke enheder er kompatible med Glooko® Transmitter? for flere oplysninger om påkrævet hardware til synkronisering af enhederne.
Abbott: Freestyle Freedom Lite, Freestyle Insulinx, Lite, Freestyle Precision Neo, Freestyle Optium Neo, Freestyle Precision Xtra/Xceed
BEMÆRK: Du kan importerer dine glukose aflæsninger fra din FreeStyle Libre 1, FreeStyle Libre 2 eller FreeStyle Libre 3 til Glooko®, gennem at bruge Abbott CSV Import: Hvordan importerer du din glukose data fra Abbott FreeStyle Libre 1, FreeStyle Libre 2 eller FreeStyle Libre 3
Accu-Chek: Active, Aviva Combo, Aviva Connect, Aviva Expert, Aviva Insight, Aviva Nano, Aviva Plus Black, Aviva Plus Silver, Compact, Compact Plus, Guide, Guide Me, Guide Solo (5.4.2), Instant, Instant S, Insight, Mobile U1, Nano, Performa, Performa Connect, Performa Insight, Performa Nano, Solo, Spirit Combo (Pump)
Acon Laboratories: On Call Advanced, On Call Express, On Call Express II, On Call Express Voice, On Call Extra, On Call Extra Voice, On Call Plus, On Call Resolve, On Call Sure, On Call Sure Sync, On Call Vivid
Aktivmed: GlucoCheck Gold
Animas: OneTouch Ping (meter), OneTouch Ping (pump), OneTouch Vibe Plus, Vibe
Ascensia (Bayer): Breeze 2, Contour, Contour Next, Contour Next EZ, Contour Next Gen, Contour Next Link, Contour Next One, Contour Next USB, Contour USB, Contour XT, Contour Care, Contour Fit, Contour Next Bluetooth, Contour Plus, Contour Plus One, Contour Plus Blue, Contour Plus Elite, Contour TS, Contour Link, Contour Next Link 2.4
Beurer: GL50 evo, GL44, GL48, GL49
Bionime: GE100, Rightest GM700SB
Biosys: VTrust TD-4279D
Bioseven: LineaD ORO
Biochemical Systems: Aria
Diatesse: Diatesse XPER
Dexcom: G4 Receiver, G4 with Share Receiver, G5 Receiver, G6 Receiver, Touchscreen Receiver, G7/One/One+ Receiver
Embrace: Embrace TALK
ForaCare: Diamond PRIMA/TD-4281, Diamond Mini DM30, Fora GD40 BLE, FORA 6 Connect
Glucocard: 01, Expression, Shine, Shine Connex, Shine Express, Shine XL, SM, Vital
GlucoRx: Nexus, Nexus Mini, HCT, Q
i-SENS: Alphacheck Professional, CareSens N, CareSens N POP, CareSens N Premier, CareSens N Premier Carelight, CareSens N Voice, CareSens S Fit, BGMS/TEE2, CareSens Dual, i-SENS TEE2+, i-SENS No Coding Plus
Infopia: Finetest Lite, GlucoLab
Insulet Omnipod: Omnipod DASH™ System, Omnipod® System
Intuity Medical: POGO Automatic
Medtronic: MiniMed 630G, MiniMed 640G, MiniMed 670G (via Contour Next Link 2.4-måler)
Menarini: GlucoMen Areo, GlucoMen Areo 2k, GlucoMen Areo GK (mg/dL & mmol/L), GlucoMen GM, GlucoMen LX2, GlucoMen LX Plus, GlucoFix Tech, GlucoFix Tech GK (mmol/L & mg/dL), GlucoCard G+
MicroTech: Microtech Equil
Nipro: Nipro 4Sure Smart/TD-4183, Nipro 4Sure Smart Duo
Novo Nordisk: NovoPen Echo Plus, NovoPen 6
OneTouch: Ultra, UltraMini, Ultra2, Ultra Plus Reflect, Select Plus, Select Plus Flex, Verio, Verio Flex, Verio IQ, Verio Pro, Verio Reflect, Verio Sync
Palmdoc: Palmdoc 2
Prodigy: Autocode
ReliOn: Premier Classic, Confirm, Premier Blu, Premier Voice, Prime
Sanofi: BGStar, MyStar Extra
Tandem: t:flex, t:slim, t:slim G4, t:slim X2
Taidoc/GlucoX: Taidoc TD-4141, Taidoc/GlucoX TD-4183, Taidoc TD-4216, Taidoc TD-4255, Taidoc TD-4257, Taidoc-4280, Taidoc TD-4285, Taidoc TD-4289
Terumo: Medisafe WITH
ViCentra: Kaleido
WaveSense: Jazz
Wellion: Calla Light, Calla Dialog, Calla Mini, Leonardo GLU/KET, Galileo GLU/KET
Ypsomed: mylife Pura, mylife Unio, mylife Aveo
Uploader-kompatibilitet (PC/Mac)
Følgende enheder kan uploades via Glooko Uploader til PC/Mac. Se Hvilke enheder er kompatible med Glooko® Uploader (PC/Mac) for flere oplysninger om påkrævet hardware til synkronisering af enhederne.
Abbott: Freestyle Freedom Lite, Freestyle Insulinx, Freestyle Lite, Freestyle Precision Neo, Freestyle Optium Neo, Freestyle Precision Xtra/Xceed
BEMÆRK: Du kan importerer dine glukose aflæsninger fra din FreeStyle Libre 1, FreeStyle Libre 2 eller FreeStyle Libre 3 til Glooko®, gennem at bruge Abbott CSV Import: Hvordan importerer du din glukose data fra Abbott FreeStyle Libre 1, FreeStyle Libre 2 eller FreeStyle Libre 3
Accu-Chek: Active, Aviva Combo, Aviva Connect, Aviva Expert, Aviva Insight, Aviva Nano, Aviva Plus Black, Aviva Plus Silver, Compact, Compact Plus, Guide, Guide Me, Guide Solo (5.4.2), Instant, Insight, Mobile U1, Nano, Performa, Performa Insight, Performa Nano, Solo, Spirit Combo
Acon Laboratories: On Call Express, On Call Express II, On Call Extra, On Call Extra Voice, On Call Sure, On Call Sure Sync
Aktivmed: GlucoCheck Gold
Animas: OneTouch Ping (meter), OneTouch Ping (pump), OneTouch Vibe Plus, Vibe
Ascensia (Bayer): Breeze 2, Contour, Contour Next, Contour Next EZ, Contour Next Gen, Contour Next Link, Contour Next One, Contour Next USB, Contour USB, Contour XT, Contour Care, Contour Fit, Contour Next Bluetooth, Contour Plus, Contour Plus One, Contour Plus Blue, Contour Plus Elite, Contour TS, Contour Link, Contour Next Link 2.4
Beurer: GL44, GL48, GL49
Biochemical Systems: Aria
Bionime: Rightest GM700SB
Diatesse: Diatesse XPER
Dexcom: G4 Receiver, G4 with Share Receiver, G5 Receiver, G6 Receiver, Touchscreen Receiver
Embrace: Embrace TALK
ForaCare: Diamond PRIMA/ TD-4281
Glucocard: Shine Connex, Shine Express, Shine XL
GlucoRX: Nexus, Nexus Mini, Q
i-SENS: Alphacheck Professional, CareSens N, CareSens N POP, CareSens N Premier, CareSens N Premier Carelight, CareSens N Voice, CareSens S Fit, BGMS/TEE2, CareSens Dual, i-SENS TEE2+, i-SENS No Coding Plus
Infopia: FineTest Lite
Insulet Omnipod: Omnipod DASH™, Omnipod® System
Intuity Medical: POGO Automatic
Medtronic: MiniMed 630G, MiniMed 640G, MiniMed 670G (via Contour Next Link 2.4-måler)
Menarini: GlucoMen Areo, GlucoMen Areo 2k, GlucoMen GM, GlucoMen LX2, GlucoMen LX Plus, GlucoFix Tech
MicroTech: Microtech Equil
Nipro: Nipro 4Sure Smart/TD-4183, Nipro 4Sure Smart Duo
OneTouch: Ultra, UltraMini, Ultra2, Ultra Plus Reflect, Select Plus*, Select Plus Flex*, Verio*, Verio Flex*, Verio IQ, Verio Pro, Verio Reflect*, Verio Sync
Palmdoc: Palmdoc 2
Prodigy: Autocode
ReliOn: Premier Classic, Premier Blu, Premier Voice
Sanofi: BGStar
Tandem: t:flex, t:slim, t:slim G4, t:slim X2
Taidoc/GlucoX: Taidoc TD-4141, Taidoc/GlucoX TD-4183, Taidoc TD-4255, Taidoc TD-4257, Taidoc-4280, Taidoc TD-4285, Taidoc TD-4289
Terumo: Medisafe WITH, Fit Smile
ViCentra: Kaleido
WaveSense: Jazz
Wellion: Calla Mini
Ypsomed: mylife Pura, mylife Unio, mylife Aveo
*På nuværende tidspunkt ikke kompatibel med Mac OS 10.13 eller nyere versioner
Følgende enheder kan uploades via Glooko-mobilappen. Se Hvilke enheder er kompatible med Glooko®-mobilappen? for flere oplysninger om OS-begrænsninger, påkrævet hardware og uploadvejledning.
Abbott: Freestyle Insulinx, Freestyle Precision Neo
Accu-Chek: Aviva Connect, Guide, Guide Me, Instant, Performa Connect
Acon Laboratories: On Call Express Mobile, On Call Sure Sync, On Call Extra Mobile
Ascensia (Bayer): Contour Next, Contour Next Bluetooth, Contour Next Gen, Contour Next Link, Contour Next One, Contour Next USB, Contour Plus One, Contour USB
Beurer: GL49
Biosys: Biosys VTrust/TD-4279D
Dexcom: G4 Platinum, G5, G6, G7, Dexcom One
Embrace: Embrace Wave+
Glucocard: Shine Connex, Shine Express
GlucoMen: Areo, Areo 2k
i-SENS: CareSens Dual, CareSens S Fit, NoCoding1 Plus, TEE2+
Insulet: Omnipod DASH
Medtronic: InPen (kun iOS)
Menarini: GlucoFix Tech GK (mmol/L), Areo GK (mmol/L & mg/dL)
Neon Diagnostics: FineTest™ Lite Smart
Nipro: Nipro 4Sure Smart, Nipro 4Sure Smart Duo
Novo Nordisk: NovoPen Echo Plus, NovoPen 6
OneTouch: Verio, Verio Flex, Verio Sync, Verio IQ, OneTouch Reveal Account
Terumo: Medisafe WITH, Fit Smile
Trividia: True Metrix AIR
WaveSense: Jazz Wireless
Wellion: Galileo GLU/KET BTE, Leonardo GLU/KET BTE
Ypsomed: Mylife Cloud
Integration af konto
Følgende enheder og apps kan tilsluttes til din Glooko konto via mobil appen eller hjemmesiden, så det synkroniseres trådløst. Noter: data fra integration af konto vil synkronisere til Glooko trådløst når den er tilsluttet, nogle enheder skal eventuelt overføres til deres oprindelige app først.
Fitness- og sundhedsenheder: Fitbit, Garmin Connect, iHealth, Runkeeper, Strava, Withings, Apple Health
Abbott: Du kan importerer dine glukose aflæsninger fra din FreeStyle Libre 1, FreeStyle Libre 2 eller FreeStyle Libre 3 til Glooko®, gennem at bruge Abbott CSV Import: Hvordan importerer du din glukose data fra Abbott FreeStyle Libre 1, FreeStyle Libre 2 eller FreeStyle Libre 3
CamDiab: CamAPS® FX
Dexcom: Dexcom G4 Platinum w/ Share, Dexcom G5, G6, G7, and Dexcom One/One+
GlucoMen: GlucoMen Day Cloud (Nogle lande)
Medtrum: Medtrum TouchCare® System (Nogle lande)
Menarini: GlucoLog Web
Omnipod: Omnipod® DASH™ Cloud (kun til USA), Omnipod® 5 Cloud (Nogle lande)
Sensonics: Eversense
Smart Meter: iGlucose
Ypsomed: Mylife™ App / Mylife™ Cloud (Nogle lande)
Yuwell: Yuwell Anytime CGM