In order to sync your Medtronic MiniMed 630G/640G/670G & Guardian 3 CGM data to Glooko, you must first link your pump to your Contour Next Link 2.4 blood glucose meter. You will then be able to upload the Contour Next Link 2.4 meter via the Glooko Uploader by following the instructions in our article How do I upload diabetes data on the web using the Glooko® Uploader (Personal)?
Linking your Medtronic MiniMed pump to Contour Next Link 2.4
Before beginning, please ensure you have both your MiniMed pump and Contour Next Link 2.4 meter nearby.
Setting up your meter
- Hold the Menu button until the meter turns on
- Scroll down to your language and press OK. Press OK again to confirm.
- Press OK when asked to Connect to a MiniMed Pump?
- Press OK.
- Press Auto Connect
Setting up your pump
Now, set down your meter and pick up your pump.
- For the MiniMed 630G select the Menu button on your pump. For the MiniMed 640G/670G, press Select on your pump, then select Options
- Select Utilities
- Select Device Options
- Select Connect Device
- Select Auto Connect on your pump
- Press the down arrow and select Continue
Linking the Pump and Meter
Place the meter and pump next to each other.
- Select Search on your pump
- Select Search on your meter
Note: Search may take up to 2 minutes - Check to see that the Device Serial Number on the pump screen matches the Device Serial Number on your meter
- If they match, select Confirm on the pump
- Check to see that the Serial Number on the back of the pump matches the Serial Number now on the meter screen
- Select Next on the meter
- The meter will ask you "Automatically send results to the Pump?" Select Always to have your readings sent each time you test your blood glucose
- Select OK
- Select the desired Date Format
- Press OK. If time and date are not correct, you must change this on the Pump.
- Press Accept to select AutoLog is Off.
- Press Accept or Change High and Low Alerts. Follow your healthcare provider's recommendation on high/low alerts.
- Press Accept or Change the target range. Press Accept again to confirm.
Once you've followed these steps, the setup is now complete and you are ready to use the meter!